
We’re a cool new platform that’s all about making online financial discussions better and more trustworthy. We want to get rid of all that spam, scams, fake news etc.


At Crowwd, we believe the internet should be a place where quality financial content is put forward. We know it can be hard to find reliable information, especially when everyone’s trying to be the loudest or the most attractive. That’s why we focus on quality—giving you the best, most trustworthy content, especially when it comes to tricky stuff like finance.


Crowwd was started by 3 friends — **Johannes, Nicolas, and Ajitesh** — who wanted to change how we find and share financial information online.



Most social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn or Reddit reward people for getting the most likes and followers. They prioritize popularity over substance. That is how you get discovered on these platforms. But financial discussions cannot just be entertaining as it touches your financial well-being! It needs to be high quality, transparent, accountable and with a touch of fun of course!